Welcome to the Innovation Station Challenge

Welcome to the Innovation Station Challenge! We will post challenges here for you to choose from. Form a team and start solving challenges. Come back and view other teams' solutions!!


1. Select a team to collaborate and complete the challenge. (A suggested team size will be communicated each podcast challenge.)

2. A deadline for each challenge will be communicated within the podcast. Teams must submit their work during the posted submission week.

3. Awards and recognition from the Innovation Station student leaders will be issued shortly after submission week. Check the blog for updates.

  Podcast Submission Criteria
a. Submissions represent creativity and critical thinking. 
b. Submissions should fully address the challenge presented in each podcast. 
c. Include your team's innovation and/or solution in your submission video. 
d. Submissions must be under three minutes to be eligible for recognition. 
e. Citations and copyright laws should be followed. 
f. Do not include last names of students or other personal information in video submissions. 
g. Summarize something you learned within your video submission--be creative (graphics, rap, original equation, cartoon, diagram, etc.). 

4. Your submission must be school appropriate (No violence, harsh language, etc.)

5. Have Fun!